LOL :)

Tuesday 12 March 2013 By:Najwa Azman 02:13 | 0 Comment [s]

Hi , Assalamualaikum .. wahhhh berhabukkk dahh blog aku ni .. heee . Sorry tak dapat nakk update banyakk banyak . hmm , busy katanya dengan Assignment lagi and bla bla bla .. 

This one ? hmm , I'm not a BB user anymore . So , to my baby bb please behave yourself when you get your new owner , don't do the same error and mistake that you have done with me . Lots of love to my bb,, miss ya :( *sedih* 

Ehem , Here's my new baby . 
kbai . hahahaha  *tu je nakk bagitahu* lalala
takk suka ? pergi lantakk , hahahaha 

See ya ! Assalamualaikum :)


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Najwa Azman

Sometimes we have to say goodbye to the ones who mean the most to us , because usually they are the ones who killing us inside .


Click this moustache